Last Saturday Mandy wanted to get pictures of her kids so off to Kiddie Kandid we are, as you can see Joel tagged along and he got to have his picture taken. It would have really been great if I could have had Jay & Sharee's little one's than I could have had all six grandkids pictures. That would have been a chore to try and get them all to smile at the same time. We didn't even try to get one of these three to gather, that would have been just to much for this one grandma to do. I would have needed drugs....LOL Not that I am parcel to these three, but are they not the cutest little ones in all of Ogden? Well, I had to limit the area :-) didn't I? I just wouldn't have been fair to the world...LOL..LOL
Robin & I have been married for 33 years on April 8, 2008. We have 3 grown children with them we have 6 wonderful grandkids. The only kids we have at home are the two dogs, KC and Stormie. I think that they are more work than all the kids put togather.LOL
1 comment:
so cute! Glad that I found you again! I will update your blog address so I can link straight from mine. Take care and have a great weekend!
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